Studying Table

Moments of beauty gathered around this table,
Incessant chatters with few pausing silences,
Drumming and humming songs of glorious days,
And nights we seclude to uninhabited forests,
But over here, the three of us keep coming back,
Study rituals accompanied with euphoric laughter,
At the beginning, mandatory studying materials
Gathered, but soon the addition of novels, lamps,
Snacks, and warm blankets were brought to survive
A longer duration without sabotaging our breaks,
So, to this benevolent simple table we forever salute.

Engraved Whispers

As old and magnificent as a banyan tree,
I sat by the unearthed curved roots,
Eastern celestial hand holding its leaves,
While the other is wrapped around its bark,
A dance ceremony to hear its whispers,
Symbiotically shared with soothing birdsongs,
Angelic beings roaming to find harmony,
However, a green leaf will soon depart,
And along with it will the hanging lanterns fade,
Except, if you truly saw the heart of the tree,
And the whispers it wrote on the walls of
Imperial palaces to root their thrones,
Then you will realise the hope in igniting
Your heart to beat melodiously once more,
Because there is no reason to pause a life,
Like birds, constantly ascending the heavens,
And so, I must relay its whispers to another,
But within it you shall always be engraved.