Rhythmic Beings

The heart is agonised as it beats for its angel,
Turning right in a reverse motion outwards,
Disoriented as if a newborn yearning for warmth,
Love and compassion are its compass,
Faintly immersing its emotions calling for hers’,
Pitch perfect,
An artist is thriving,
In a melodic continuity,
Towards infinity,
For every beat is worth billions of stars,
But struggling to beat less intensely,
So as to not give hints to by-passers,
But holds for few seconds and skips beats,
Out on long distances they hold onto threads,
Drums of passion hammering a rhythmic cry,
On the dancing stage their performance ignites,
And as it walks towards closed arms,
She glimpses his sudden jump and opens,
And he lets go.

When It Rained

Today, the rain drenched its own face
With tears as it touched my lips,
Commemorating a day where it left
Its own purified heavenly home,
And here I am still covering my face,
Hiding from its painful hushing drums,
A musical to the dancing hearts of nature,
Trees swinging to rescue every raindrop,
To revitalise its soul with earthly minerals,
Ah would you look at the new leaves,
Emerging and growing as the Sun glorifies
Its beauty across the endless horizon,
Now, it ascends back to its heavenly home.

My Angelic Being

Send me towards a heavenly realm,
Where I can dance to your whispers,
Dazzle me with your celestial figure,
And stop the world beating its heart,
Always keep me by your adorable side,
And I will paint you a fabulous portrait,
Look into my eyes and let me go crazy,
Order your soul to merge into mine,
Let us sing out loud my angelic being.

One in a Billion

An opportunity might arise in a billionth of a second,
Where he will be able to live in a billion-star hotel,
So, let him choose it without second thoughts,
And with all his might, let him make it happen,
Because that is his celestial angel awaiting.
I know not of such comparable beauty,
But as she descends and he ascends,
The two entities merge into an abstract era,
Unspoken of. Faceless. Emotionless. Timeless.
Where the clock tick-tocks through infinity: Big Bang!
And then the cries of Life bring joy to them,
Emerging from the depths of a billion-star hotel,
So, live on, live there, and live above, my love.

I – Just – Can’t

These letters – simultaneously – combusted
Into blackened – ashes – once I heard you –
I heard – your crying whispers – and breaths,
Whispers – cracking the air – into fearful – tears,
The wind – to carry – your soul – now ascending,
Without consent – no chance – for my eyes –
To utter – your – last word – no place – for –
My heart – to beat – its last dance – for – you –
Return – to me – just – return – all of you – you.

Rest In Pieces

Blow the minds of the universe
And show me the curses of mankind,
If I have not created more paths,
More people will surely suffocate me,
Betray all that I have said to you,
All the passion and all of me you vaporised,
Leave me be and let me descend into
The darker than black abyss,
Constellations disappeared,
And now I am no one, none.

You may call on the birds and
All natural beauties of this universe,
And all I shall be to you is utter silence,
You may quake the earth under my soul,
Or explode the mountains into ashen volcanoes,
But I shall stay always in infinite silence,
Leave me be for I have chosen my
Intricate being to smile on the few stars,
Begone! For the constellations have
Disappeared, and now I am no one, none.