Never Let Her Go

I planted seeds of sweet royalty,
And I watered some warmth,
I observed her as she grew up,
A year of gorgeous blossoming,
The heart of my fruitful garden,
And now I must let my soulfriend go.

A strong and independent plant,
And I need to travel for few years,
I have faith in her but I am also –
Afraid; fear from the unknown,
First time to react for a plant,
And now I must let my star go.

To others, she might be normal,
To me, unique; a rare treasure,
A special plant that I discovered,
I must act blind and hide my tears,
Such that I can move on and smile,
And now I must let my twin go.

My words will start to diminish,
Otherwise the cyclical agony
Will forever continue its haunt,
But I am extremely proud of her,
She is me in almost everything,
And now I will never let her go.

I Am Cultural

Hold on. Pause. And take a deep breath.
Listen to the red beats of all our lives.
And wait. Be patient. And look outside.
See the yellow dust mixing with shades
Of green palettes awaiting to be stroked
For an enormous canvas. Now breathe.
And live for as long as your white smiles
Take you: over the blue seas or even at
Your own doorstep where you trembled,
Where you suffocated your old inner self,
A shock towards a culture you embraced
As a little child and chose to set it aside,
Let it shock you. Let it shock the very feet
That tried to escape a reality deemed to
Forever follow you innocently for a kiss,
And for a little hug, and request to never
Forget, so go into a huge shock so that
You will be able to return to us normal
For I am all of my past, present, future.